Aligning Data Quality Standards with Your Business Objectives


Aligning to ASPRS or other industry standards can be very effective when thinking about land surveying projects.

Just as it is common in any other industry, land surveying and aerial mapping have their own set of governing bodies and standards in place to determine the quality and compliance of data collected. While seeming tedious at first, these requirements ensure a necessary level of uniformity across business processes that helps in keeping the industry competitive and incentivizes businesses to continuously invest in the organizational and personal development of their employees. After all, a well-trained team consistently delivers higher quality project objectives at a lower cost.

Aligning with standards is important, but even more so is choosing the right governing bodies and guidelines to abide by. For land surveying, mapping, photogrammetry and UAV experts, the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) is one of the foremost imaging and geospatial information organizations which also grants certifications and vetting to the most knowledgeable and experienced professionals in the industry. With standards ranging from accuracy thresholds for digital orthophotos and digital elevation data independent of published map scale to contour intervals, the ASPRS offers a full-scale certification accredited by the Council of Scientific Engineering Specialty Boards (CESB), which when aligned with business objectives, can reap benefits that could have ripple effects across the entire firm. 

Apart from giving firms and individuals more credibility and trustworthiness, aligning to these standards present a major competitive advantage to companies looking to stand out during sales processes in this crowded market. Both internally and externally, aligning to standards such as these allows aerial data collection to be concise and high-quality, all the time.   

As the industry becomes more demanding, aligning to standards such as these becomes crucial if companies want to continually prove their excellence and quality within internal and client-facing business routines.


AirWorks is committed to following ASPRS standards when it comes to collecting and handling data collected with UAVs, which is why we are in the process of becoming ASPRS certified.

To learn more, visit our website at